martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


My profile

My name is Natalia Carolina Mora Herrera, I am 29 years old, I am a 5th semester student of the undergraduate ELT program at Universidad de la Salle.

Before being in this university, I have been in others institutes as Meyer Institute seven years ago where I studied Bilingual Secretarial and I got diploma in Applied Lingüistic just 60 hours.

I have had experiences working in a bilingual school five years  ago as a bilingual secretary in the academic area.

Nowadays, I consider that I feel good in multiples skills like: listening, grammar, speaking and reading but sometimes the use of english is difficult according to the context because for me it is necessary to study all the time.

I hope in the future to be the best English teacher for teaching and learning from my students, without forgetting who I am.