miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


"Come and meet chapter to chapter the 
whole story of  Vesuvius Mosaic"

The book  was written by Joyce Hannam, the setting of the story was in Rome-Pompeii.  

The main character in the book is Felix a young man who joins the mosaics designer 
others important characters are: 

Spurius: He is an old  business man and  Felix's master.
Cassia: She is Spurius's wife and she is an ambitious woman.
Flavia: She is Spurius's daughter and Cassia, she falls in love with Petrus.
Petrus: He is Spurius's employee, the Felix's enemy and he falls in love with Flavia.
Caius Calvinus Lepidus: He is an important man in Rome, a senator.
Bassus: He is Spurius's friend and customer and he is Petrus's father.
Festus: He is Spurius's friend and Bassus. 
Rectina: She is Bassus's wife and a slave.
Alcander: He is Agathe's brother and he is Felix's friend.
Agathe: She is Alcander's sister and she is Felix's girlfriend.
Gaius Plinius: He is an Admiral and he is Rectina's friend.
Pliny: He is Gaius Plinius's nephew and he is in charge of writing everything happen with the 

The main plot is about the mosaics designer Felix when starts work in Pompeii, his whole life
changes  when is a freed man and he falls in love with the beautiful Greek slave Agathe, who can see into the future.

"I thought it  was a very readable story and once I had started it I could not put it down.
 I feel sure other reader will enjoy it, too.  In short, it is  an excellent book."  

A freed man

The story begin when Felix a young man is an excellent mosaics designer and he is a Spurius's
slave his master, Felix did everything. When they was speaking about the mosaics Caius Calvinus Lepidus arrived, he was a Senator in Rome, suddenly there was a strange noise and the heavy, stone statue just beside Spurius. 
Without thinking Felix pushed his master away from the statue.  It crashed and broke it.  While
 Lepidus shouted "Earthquake."

When everything pass, Lepidus said to Spurius this slave saved your life "Give him his freedom,  Spurius said: from today you are a freed man.
But, Spurius's wife Cassia was angry because if Felix is free, maybe the mosaics business 
would finish and that was bad for them.  For that, she has an idea, her daughter "Flavia must 
marry Felix,  then he will be one of the family and we can keep his designs for ever"...


Flavias's mother calls Flavia and tell her:  You must marry Felix because he saved your father, Flavia tries to object everything because she loves just Petrus and for her the business is not important while she and Petrus can be together.Petrus was tired with Felix and decided to change Cassia's mind about Felix.  He has a plan, "we will write a bad graffiti about Cassia and make seen like Felix wrote it.  We will say that she  is in love with one of the  neighbours ".

Some friends from Pompeii were visiting Spurius's mosaic business and they wanted to see some mosaics.  Finally when they arrive Bassus and Festus are welcome in Spurius's house.  Bassus explained that special reason for wanting a new mosaic, it is because in the last big earthquake seventeen years ago I have been repairing my house and I want something special in the garden room. Meanwhile Cassia read the graffiti outside and screamed, where is Felix? "I never want to see his face again"......

To Pompeii

Bassus and Festus are admired with Felix's mosaic and decide to pay for new one designs, Festus says Spurius "that you man's worth a lot of money to your business" and he thought for a moment: '"we will take the boy to Pompeii to make a mosaic for me at once and your wife won't see his face and she will forget about this graffiti".That evening, Spurius asked Felix about the graffiti and he said "I never wrote that" he had no idea about graffiti.

In the morning, Felix and Petrus leaved with Bassus and Festus in the carriage, Felix was not happy.  At twelve, Bassus and his group caught a ship from Ostia to Herculaneum.  That night, Felix decides to walk alone on the deck, suddenly he felt a strong man´s arm around his neck, someone was attacking him from behind and trying to push into the sea.  In that moment Felix remembered a maneuver that a friend had once told him.  That man was Petrus too angry because he was jelous for Flavia and his job.  Petrus explains Felix the Cassia's plan for the family business.... 

Slave girl in blue

When they arrive at the port of Herculaneum, Bassus explains Felix and Petrus, the mosaic, the laboral conditions, the account and others rules.  That day,  they look inside the baths where were different mosaic on every wall and floor.  While  Felix appreciated the blue colour, Petrus said, blue is a popular colour here in Pompeii.

The mosaic must be ready by August 23rd, Bassus, I'm having a party where I have invited important people, the senator and a lot of friends.  Said Bassus:  Listen carefully, you two.  In my mosaic I can to see the young god of love, cupid, and his mother Venus playing on the beach, with our mountain, Vesuvius, behind them. Then, Bassus said them go to the tile shop and open account in  the Street of Plenty.  

When Felix stopped in a street marked, he saw a slave girl with a beautiful yellow hair and blue eyes, her tunic was bright pomperian blue, just then, she saw Felix across the square. When they arrived at Bassus's house, that girl was in Bassus´s house she was Rectina the mistress...

Venus's face

Petrus confesses the truth to Felix that he wrote the graffiti because he was desesperate. In that moment a Greek man approched to Felix, his name was Alcander, he tells them about the people there and even because Bassus he drinks all the time, first because he was famous and secondly, he married Rectina just for her money. 

Felix meet to Alcander's sister Agathe but he can not speak with her.  On August 20th, Felix almost finished the mosaic but missing Venus's face and the party will be in three days, in that moment the earthquake begins and Agathe fell to the ground and her foot was swollen but Agathe speaking in a strange, deep voice and her eyes were closed, she sees into the future (She was born with a special gift from the gods).  Alcander pick his siter up and carried her to the slave's bedrooms, there, Felix decided that Venus's face will be Agathe....

The party

On the day of the party, Bassus and his guests expected the great mosaic, meanwhile Felix finished the mosaic and pull the curtain, in that moment Bassus and his guests in the party were surprising when they saw the Venus's Face (was Agathe), inmediatlely Bassus shouted 'Stupid boy' and he lifted his hand to slap Agathe.  Suddenly, Felix propused to Bassus to play dice for the freedom of the girl, where finally Felix wins and Agathe is free.

When Felix found Petrus at last, Petrus whispered a secret into Bassus's ear and he fell into the  fountain with her eyes closed....



Father and son



When Alcander aproched them, Petrus said: my mother Lavinia told me Bassus is your father, he sent me away to Rome when I was a boy.  Then Felix and Agathe was planning to get marry because they are free with a new life. 

Later, Agathe ran to find Felix, she knows about something bad on its way, suddenly, there was a huge noise from under the ground the vesuvius behind with a pillar of white smoke came from the top of it.  Rectina said:  "My old friend Admiral Gaius Plinius has told me about volcanoes" and the ash cover everything.

If they want to save all people, Rectina will write a letter for Gaius Plinius because he has many ships at Misenum and a strong men must be to go there, for that raison Alcander and Felix will travel faster...

The Admiral

At last, they reached Misenum and Alcander found the letter and gave the guards, they explain "this letter is for Gaius Plinius  from his friend Rectina because the city is in danger." 

The Admiral was watching the vesuvius on the balcony after asked to nephew Pliny that read the letter, in that moment Felix went with Gaius then at the port, the ships left Misenum but everything was impossible Pompeii and Herculaneum were destuyed.  Felix was sad for Agathe while they listened to the screams coming from the land...

By boat and ship

Festus, Rectina, Agathe, Bassus and Petrus had arrived at the port of Herculaneum but had not boats and Agathe close her eyes and saw a boat in the  grotto in Festus garden, in that moment Bassus was very tired and Petrus decided to stay with his father, but he said Agathe: if anything bad happends to me, please ask Felix to tell Flavia how much I loved her.

When the boat was into the sea, Festus could not climb and Agathe tried to help his but it that moment Rectina fell into the sea, finally she stayed alone in the boat because she could not came back to help them. Then Felix and Gaius Plinius arrived at Stabiae, and many people had escaped, suddenly a sailor shouted, A boat'!...

Back to Rome

Agathe arrived in the little silver boat to Stabie where she met Felix  and both decided to found Alcander in Spurius's house. When they arrived in Spurius's house everything was fine because they found Alcander and Cassia knew the truth about graffiti.

Agathe talked to Flavia about last words said Petrus, Flavia was sad.  The next spring Felix married Agathe, he stayed as a partner with Spurius and Alcander learned about mosaics. Three years later Felix and Agathe had two young children and Alcander and Flavia will begin  a new love story.


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